When there is a curiosity questions are bound to come .
Here are few for your quick reference.

I have a CA, a broker, a life insurance advisor and a MF advisor. Do I need a financial planner ?
A CA may help you in saving tax only without knowing your financial goals apart from that it is questionable weather he is give optimum solution for tax saving or not,
The tax calculation is done at end of the year and not in beginning so there is no any proactive approach in your financial mgt. or even in tax saving.
 A broker will always want you to buy and sell frequently so that he can earn through brokerage weather you are earning or loosing he is always earning.
Agents or advisors earn on commission paid to them from your investments, I think……now you can understand …. None of them will understand all your goals and connect them to provide a holistic overall financial advice. Only a Unbiased financial planner can do that.
How  much time will my financial planning take ?
As per our process we have a TAT (turn around time) of 30 days.However it is collective effort of our team and you as client. your time availability will be a critical factor in the time taken to complete the plan.

Do you guarantee the rate of return ?
As financial planners, we help you utilize your resources to optimum level better management of it. Better management of finances will lead to better outcome however, that does not mean we guarantee a higher rate of return on products. You have to understand that financial market is very dynamic market and it do not have guarantees. We request you to stay away from the people who gives you a guarantee.
Pl understand that the guarantee of return on investment only is not important, return of investment is also important.
Do you also monitor the investments you recommend ?
Yes, we do monitor the investments we advise to you. How ever it is optional service and will be charged separately.Who do not opt this service the decisions will be taken at the time of yearly review.

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