Sunday, March 18, 2012

Say no to Equity investments : 

Equity has proven it self as a good asset class since from many years, it is one of the most favorite and more talked about asset class.
but stay away from this asset class if :

You want to earn money in day trading ( during your job timing ) depending on the tips ( you can also come out with tips just give one upper and one lower figure ) from your broker.

You want to buy and sell the stocks on your friends advice who you feel have a very good knowledge ( ? )  in stocks.

You want to trade because you heard from many people that you can make a money ( it is true but be aware this is not a general statement ) .

Want to invest in only blue chip ( there are many companies who may turn up bad selection )  companies and leave it for years which you expect to give you good returns.

To save tax as per the new facility in Budget.

Because you have a money with you and you feel that you can take high risk ( many people ignore a flip side of risk , it may washout your entire capital ).

Your bank has a facility and they are ready to give you a relationship manager ( whose ? ) who will handle you a/c and will help you  in wealth creation ( for whom ? you or bank ? )

You want to build a good portfolio watching TV channels, reading news papers ( The so called experts will give comments as per the flow, just follow their statements regularly then you can rally make out, So i call it as a Financial entertainment channels.These experts favorite scripts keeps on changing and they give you advice to invest in long term. :) )

Your views or questions please : 

About the author : Ashish Ramesh Bhave is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, focused and specialized in financial planing for individuals and families. Can be reached at  : or Cell : 08793107044

Friday, March 2, 2012

Say no to life insurance.

Say no to life insurance - Take care :

I can see your face it is confused , you are wondering is Ashish was talking always about having a right kind of insurance cover then why this today ?

I don't want confuse you any more let me clarify , this is about the situation and the precautions you should take while taking Life insurance , pl check are you falling in any of this category then " Say no to Life insurance "

Pl take a time to understand this :

Say no to life insurance if:

1. If you do not have any financial responsibilities. so if you are single with financially independent parents, no loans.

2. do not take any insurance policy only to save tax.

3.Without having full information about how this policy works for you, weather it is aligned to your financial plan Say no to life insurance.

4.mind it :), life insurance is a protection toll not an investment, if it is for investment then say No.

5.Term life insurance is a purest form of life insurance which gives you very good cover at small premium.

6. There are lot of charges in the investment packed life insurance policies take a time to know and understand the charges if you are not comfortable ( i know you will not once known to you )say .............
Note : Now it is as per IRDA rule, you have to sign a statement where all the charges are revealed read all documents carefully before signing. 

7. You fill the application form, don't ask some body else to fill up the form just signing on it, give right and correct answer to all questions asked hiding information may adversely affect claim settlement. 

8.Say no to taking policies on child's name. Do not take any insurance cover on your child he/she don't need it. The policies on name of child gives right to your child to get the maturity amount you don't know for what he/she will use it.

9. Don't buy term plan only on the basis of lowest premium, check the claim settlement ratio ( Higher is good ) and claim repudiation ratio ( lower is good ) of the company.

Your comments are welcome !!!

About the author : Ashish Ramesh Bhave is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER, focused and specialized in financial planing for individuals and families.

And can be reached at :      or     cell   : 08793107044